Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Night Terrors

night terrors, originally uploaded by Lovewine / Graham jones.

Its been a great season playing hockey on Monday nights with the Night Terrors group. We had our final game last night. We're trying to form an official league next season with 4-6 teams. That would be fun.
There is one more co-ed game but I won't be here for that and the Sunday Moose hockey finished last week. I'm not sure how many games I played this season but it was quite a few....2 or 3 days a week.

The ski hill closes this weekend so it will be time to pull the mtn bike out and get it tuned up. Yeah Spring!


VancityAllie said...

Hurrraaay! Hockey! My hockey is not coming along so good. Or should I say -- my skating :(

Getting into mountain biking? I have to admit I'm not a huge fan but I'd like to try one day :)

Graham Jones said...

There's only so much time in the day for sports...and it depends where you live....if I was coastal I might surf more(currently none)

Keep up on the skating....go to public skating all summer...there should be ice somewhere. Look into power skating and maybe a hockey camp. Great skills to had.