Thursday, March 12, 2009


gerry lopez, originally uploaded by Lovewine / Graham jones.

So the riding has been good around here for the last little while....just in time for the end of the season. Happy to have the snow.
Here's a shot of Gerry Lopez at Baldface...he was always a blast to ride with.

In other news....I had a bunch of my camera gear stolen along with my wallet and my car ashtray full of change. I was dumb enough to leave my gear in my car out front of my house overnight and it was gone in the morning. Apparently the thieves worked over the whole neighborhood. The RCMP told me they'd had numerous calls. So yeah I don't think I'm going to get any insurance.....DANG!

Another shot of Kurt Wastell killing it. The Billibong group was fun to shoot and hang with.

kurt wastell

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