Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Night Terrors

night terrors, originally uploaded by Lovewine / Graham jones.

Its been a great season playing hockey on Monday nights with the Night Terrors group. We had our final game last night. We're trying to form an official league next season with 4-6 teams. That would be fun.
There is one more co-ed game but I won't be here for that and the Sunday Moose hockey finished last week. I'm not sure how many games I played this season but it was quite a few....2 or 3 days a week.

The ski hill closes this weekend so it will be time to pull the mtn bike out and get it tuned up. Yeah Spring!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Wagons of Steel North - A Retrospective

I've compiled quite a few photos over the last several years of drag racing with the 'Wagons of Steel North' Race Team. Lots of good times have been had and the final tally on Pilsners consumed is almost unfathomable. Enjoy.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Thank You Groundhog

Paula and Jesse, originally uploaded by Lovewine / Graham jones.

Really, really happy that winter isn't over just yet. I was painfully aware that I hadn't done enough riding this season because of poor conditions. Well that has been rectified......out like a lion. Many folks around here are happy to let Spring skiing go right on by in exchange for powder.

alex w

Thursday, March 12, 2009


gerry lopez, originally uploaded by Lovewine / Graham jones.

So the riding has been good around here for the last little while....just in time for the end of the season. Happy to have the snow.
Here's a shot of Gerry Lopez at Baldface...he was always a blast to ride with.

In other news....I had a bunch of my camera gear stolen along with my wallet and my car ashtray full of change. I was dumb enough to leave my gear in my car out front of my house overnight and it was gone in the morning. Apparently the thieves worked over the whole neighborhood. The RCMP told me they'd had numerous calls. So yeah I don't think I'm going to get any insurance.....DANG!

Another shot of Kurt Wastell killing it. The Billibong group was fun to shoot and hang with.

kurt wastell

Tuesday, March 03, 2009


salmo ski hill
There's been a lot of emotionally charged events going on around these parts in the last couple of weeks. RIP Travis, SLB. Heal fast Rusty. Play safe out there kids.....

I was lucky to make it back from Kelowna. My rear wheel bearings bought the farm on the way down the Blueberry/Paulson pass. This in turn super heated the inside of the drum and fried the brake cylinder causing a brake failure...that's what I was fixing on Saturday. 

The riding has been really good but the dreaded high freezing levels have messed things up for the time being. Last week was a friends B-day at the Salmo Ski Hill and we had a great time riding the longest t-bar in North America.(?) There is more than enough time to finish a beer on the way up.

Way back on Valentine's Day I was waiting for my girl to drive back from Calgary so I went out to Ymir for their snow-fest and spent some time playing hockey on the outdoor rink. Good times!

ymir rink