Monday, November 24, 2008

unity sbc skateboard ad

unity sbc skateboard ad, originally uploaded by Lovewine.

Here is an ad I shot that appeared in SBC Skateboard last summer. The Owners of Unity Boardshop(Jamie and Jillian) in Osoyoos are second to none in terms of awesomeness and they have a great business going on there. I hear Jamie is building a snow-skate course for this winter so I guess there will be some road trips in order. Below is the image before post production.

unity ad before post production


Anonymous said...

You shot that ad? Holy crap! It's awesome!

How much post production did you end up doing? I see some levels adjustment and text of course, some dodging maybe?

Graham Jones said...

I can't take a lot of credit other than setting up and taking the photo...I did very little of the post prod work. The graphics team at RDS wanted the image left in raw to be able to do all that they did. It took several hours to get the girls jumping just right so their hair was flipping and such. Good times.

carrie said...

awesome work

Graham Jones said...

Cheers Carrie:)

Anonymous said...

nice picture u have share....

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