Saturday, August 19, 2006

Mission Raceway

Its no big secret that drag racing has dominated my summer. I've been going to races with the WOSN race team for the last 2 summers but this year I'm racing my own wagon. It may not be the fastest car on the fact, it may actually be the slowest, but it sure is fun to drive. A friend of mine took this footage at the Mission Old Time Drags on July 31/2006. I didn't win this race...this is obvious by the sound my friends make at the end of the clip. I have a separate blog just for stories about my station wagon but I wanted to put this clip here. The other clip is of the race car which is considerably faster than my car.

Shambhala has come and gone and the walking dead it creates have slwly been filtering out of the Nelson area back to where they came from. I spent 2 nites out on the farm and had a great time. Dancing the nite away, very little sleep and hanging by the river all day.

Here's a shot of DJ SS from the UK doing his Drum'n'Bass thing on Saturday nite.

Friday, August 11, 2006


I go crazy for storms. When there is lightening I can hardly contain myself. Getting photos of this stuff is difficult because you don't know where it's going to strike and whether or not you'll have the correct focus and exposure. This shot worked out well.

I looked up blogging for the Nelson area where I have lived for 9 years. I was surprised to see very little activity in the blogging realm. I may be biting off more than I can chew but I hope to be able to provide accurate information about local events, my photos, wine reviews(check the name) and anything else I can find time to create. Check out another blog I created for our Drag Racing Team... Wagons of Steel North.

This weekend marks another Kootenay milestone. The Shambhala Music Festival is underway in the Salmo BC area and thousands of people are there or on their way there for 5 days of crazy, drug fueled dance mayhem. I'm heading out there manana with my wagon and camera. I'll post some of the photos later. The website is here and a friend of mine does the artwork. My girlfriend and I have a collection of her work...actually we are one of the top 5 collectors of her paintings. She happens to be Meghan Hildebrand and her work is amazing. Go have a look for yourself.

Welcome to Lovewine!