Thursday, May 22, 2008


liquor, originally uploaded by Lovewine.

Fun things seen on the trip to LA.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Tokyo Police Club

tokyo police club blue, originally uploaded by Lovewine.

It was nice to get out of town and see a show. The Tokyo Police Club played a great show and Attack in Black and Smoosh opened for them. Good Times!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Very Hush Hush

OK kids, here's what's going on this weekend in Nelson. My friends are opening up 
'Very Hush Hush' the Airstream shop and that means all sorts of crafty goodness for you.
This is one of the coolest stores you'll ever come across so if you're in Nelson this summer go and check them out.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Bodhi Flying High

Bodhi Flying High, originally uploaded by Lovewine.

OK so I'm still posting snowboard photos...this one is sweet though...its grainy cuz it's a scan from slide! So is anyone else going to see Tokyo Police Club in Kelowna on Wednesday? There are a few extra tickets if you want to go....let me know.

Friday, May 02, 2008


backyard_LA, originally uploaded by Lovewine.

Just got back from LA on Monday and I'm glad to be home but we had a wonderful time in the big city. If you don't have a '64 Impala to cruise around LA in....its really not worth the trouble...Oh, and Denise Richards is doing alright...just so you know.